Beagle Beagles are energetic, fun-loving dogs, and great around children which makes them a wonderful family companion. A very smart dog that is easily trained with a highly sensitive sense of smell. Beagles have short coats which makes grooming easy. However, because Beagles have a natural flare for hunting, and have a tendency to follow the nose, they should be kept in a well-fenced home. In addition, because they are very active dogs, they need to be taken out for walks at least twice a day. Dachshund Dachshunds come in three different kinds – the smooth haired, wirehaired and the longhaired dachshund. Its coat ranges from cream, tan, grayish, red, black and a combination of these colors. There is a miniature dachshund and a larger one. In Germany, Dachshunds were used as Badger hunters. It got its name from the German word “ Dachs ” which meands Bader. These dogs have long body and short legs which give it a fun, clownish appearance. Quite appropriate becaus...
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