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Showing posts from July, 2014

Benefits of Having an Outdoor Play Area for Dogs

People with dogs are strongly encouraged to take their pets out on walks daily as much as possible. Without question, daily walks are important to keep dogs active both physically and mentally. Dog walking is also beneficial as the human can get regular exercise while sharing quality bonding time with his or her pet. Benefits of Having an Outdoor Play Area for Dogs If you have a spacious lawn, you may consider creating a special area where your dog or dogs can enjoy happy play time every day.  Why not!  There are many advantages. Imagine how convenient it would be if you could spend a few minutes with your dogs out in the sun each morning without having to take your pooch to the dog park.  Dogs won’t feel bored due to a lack of things to do.  You can provide toys outdoors and not worry about finding your home a mess upon your return.  Yes, having a play area right in your own backyard is wonderful especially if you have two or more dogs. ...

3 Ways to Help Your Dog Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Like humans, our dear pets can experience anxiety that can affect their behavior.  As a pet owner, what can you do to help your pet overcome the stress or anxiety?  Consider these three stress management tips for pet owners:   photo Know the cause of anxiety. There are many possible reasons why dogs and cats get stressed out.  It can be the presence of an unfamiliar object or another animal, loud noises, or an unfamiliar situation.  Find out what’s causing your pet to be stressed out or agitated and do something about it.  If it’s an object that’s inducing stress, get it out from your pet’s sight.  If it’s the surrounding, take your dog or cat to another area where it can feel safer, more calm. If it’s not possible to remove your dog or change the situation, give it a place to hide like a crate or shelter, and make it as comfortable as possible by providing cushion, toys, or treats. Don’t add up to your pet’s agitation. A pet owne...